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The Secret to Creative Writing

Creative writing also often called imaginative writing is a key component of the English syllabus throughout primary school and high school. Students are expected to write creatively and use their imaginations to construct a narrative. The expectations surrounding creative writing…

March 22, 2019


How is the pleasure of discovery revealed in the feature article? The pleasure of discovery is evident in the narrator’s assertive tone ‘walking is free, it feels good’, where he reflects upon the psychological relief that the narrator experiences when…

December 6, 2016

Dramatic Texts for HSC English

Dramatic texts are ones in which take direct importance in all levels of English. Thus, the ability for a student to interpret and fully immerse himself or herself into the overall ability of a dramatic text will significantly improve their…

May 25, 2016

The importance of visuals in English

The analysis of visual pieces can be seen to be a skill that is extremely important to a students progression in English. At Master Coaching this method of analysis is something, which is a basis of all teaching. Thus, an…

May 9, 2016

The most commonly seen mistakes in English essays

Throughout a students life in English one thing is unavoidable and that is the writing and construction of essays. This skill or art of constructing such a piece of writing can sometimes be challenging although if students avoid the common…

September 20, 2015

How to pick a successful related text

A student's choice of a related text for the 'discovery' module is one of extreme importance. A well chosen and in depth choice of related text will allow for students to create an overall more in depth essay. This exploration…

September 13, 2015
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