Every parent wants the best education for their child. At Master Coaching Hurstville we help children in primary and high school achieve their academic best.
Whether you are wanting to provide your child with more challenges to stretch their capabilities and help them learn at a rate faster than the classroom can provide, or if your little one is needing a bit of extra help to catch up with their classmates, we can help.
You are welcome to contact us to discuss what you are looking for, or click on the links below to find out more about some of our standard offers.
I am proud to also announce that as a result of Thomas and Chrissa’s expert mentoring in my child’s academic life he was admitted to the selective school of his choice. I am confident that if it wasn’t for Harry and his team, this accomplishment would not have been possible. I can not thank them enough!
Angela Tsakonas. Read the complete testimonial as well as other testimonials from previous students here.
Mainstream Primary School Tutoring
Sometimes children need a little extra help to keep up with the curriculum. It may be that they were away for a key lesson, or perhaps their current teacher doesn’t cater to their learning style. Having some extra support can help your child catch up and even move ahead. There is no need for tears, or feeling like they don’t have what it takes. We can help make learning fun again.
Get in contact with us to organise a free trial lesson for your child.
OC Class Tutoring
The opportunity class (OC) is aimed at scholastically exceptional students in year 5 and 6, however you can begin to build up your childs academic strength from around year 3.
To do well in the opportunity classes exam, we help your child to develop their skills by assessing their ability in pattern decoding, critical comprehension, logical deductions, expanding vocabulary, and more.
Read more about our OC Exam Preparation Tutoring here.
Selective High School Tutoring
To help the students get a placement in selective high school, our tutoring programs are interactive based with the development of scan reading, advanced understanding of crucial concepts like area and volume, algebra, patterns, shapes, general knowledge, time & distance, geography, etc.
All our tutors are experienced teachers who are well adept in their respective subjects like Maths, English, Science, and more.
Read more about how we prepare students for the selective high school exam here.
NAPLAN Tutoring
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a test for the Australian students that can be taken in the third, fifth, seventh, and the ninth year. It is an assessment of the students on the basis of writing, reading, language conventions, and numeracy. Each student faces 4 NAPLAN but in the 4th NAPLAN at 9, it is essential to achieve band 8 in order to qualify for ATAR at HSC.
Read more about our NAPLAN tutoring here.
Bridging Course Year 6-7 Maths and English
The jump from primary to high school is a big one for any child. You can help make sure your child’s maths and english skills are up to scratch as these subjects get significantly more challenging in high school.
We can help your child be ahead of the pack in these subjects so that they feel confident in making the big transition into their next chapter.
I remember my daughter coming home from school one day very excited because she had sat a reading exam and said that she felt she did well because she remembered what she had been taught at Master Coaching about reading the questions first and then the text. She has learned time management skills that have also helped a great deal. I have noticed her general knowledge has grown stronger and she doesn’t seem as nervous prior to academic testing.
~ Mrs Harris. Read the complete testimonial as well as other testimonials from previous students here.
Why Choose Master Coaching?
With over 20 years of experience, we know how to make learning exciting, easy and effective. We trust the power of these 3 ‘Es’ which can help you face the real challenges of the world. Learn more about Master Coaching on our about page.