Using HSC English past papers is an excellent way to prepare for your exam. Reviewing previous exams can help identify areas you need to improve on and give you an…
At Master Coaching Hurstville we endeavour to give HSC English students of all levels personalised tutoring to best suit their needs. HSC English is the only compulsory course in Year 12, with every student in the state sitting either the Standard or Advanced English exams. Capable Advanced students may also take on English Extension One and Two after completing the relevant Year 11 course. Students undertaking HSC English at varying levels have different needs and desired outcomes upon commencing coaching. At Master Coaching every student is given a preliminary assessment based upon the level of English they are studying at school. The task combines elements from the Comprehension and Critical Response sections of the HSC Paper One. The one hour task takes the form of an essay, where students respond to a short unseen prose excerpt. Both the Standard and Advanced level questions are specifically tailored to illuminate problem areas for Standard or Advanced students. After completing the assessment, one of the English coaches will review the student’s work and discuss the student’s response with the student and their parents.
Coaching sessions for HSC English are held once a week for one hour on an individual basis. At their lesson students are encouraged to raise any questions they have from their work in class, including concepts they have not fully grasped or areas they feel were covered in a cursory manner. Students may also bring homework they are having difficulty completing. In the first few weeks, the coaching focuses on two key areas. Firstly, the ability to identify and meaningfully discuss a range of language, visual and film techniques is vital to success in all levels of Year 12 English. Techniques must be identified in the Discovery Comprehension and all four essays in Papers One and Two. Often students know the names of techniques but struggle to apply their knowledge to specific examples from texts and discuss the relevance of the techniques they have identified.
Secondly, essay structure is vital since all Year 12 students write four essays in the HSC exam, with an additional essay written by students in English Extension One. Most schools teach essay writing in the early years of high school. However, while markers expect that a student’s essays develop in sophistication, essay structure is rarely discussed in Year 12 at school. After these two key areas have been covered, coaching parallels what the student is covering at school, consolidating and extending what the student is learning. Students are encouraged to bring their school notifications for upcoming assessment tasks so the coach can help them prepare for class tests, assignments and exams. Year 12 students are set homework each week and regularly receive feedback based upon both exercises they complete in class and their weekly homework.

HSC English Tutors
Master Coaching offers one on one tutoring for HSC English. We are located in Hurstville, Sydney, and also offer online tutoring for students across NSW.