Using HSC English past papers is an excellent way to prepare for your exam. Reviewing previous exams can help identify areas you need to improve on and give you an…
Before undertaking ESL in senior studies, a student must consider their eligibility for this course as prerequisites and rules must be adhered to. These rules have been set out as:
The English (ESL) course may be studied by any student who has been educated overseas or in an Australian educational institution with English as the language of instruction for five years or less, prior to commencing the Preliminary course.
This includes:
- students whose learning has been interrupted by periods away from education in which English was the language of instruction
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Indigenous communities where standard English is not the common language of the local community.
At Master Coaching, ESL is treated with great care, as each student is able to obtain individual help in line with where they feel they need the help. This individualised help allows students to specifically identify the areas in which they believe they are struggling with and subsequent lessons can then be targeted at these specific areas.
Adequate care will be taken to ensure the pace of the lesson is in line with the student’s ability. This form of personalised form of tuition will also allow for students to feel comfortable in a consistent learning environment that fosters personalised care and consideration for the task at hand. Further, it is through the tutor’s extensive knowledge of the course that will allow students to develop and ultimately achieve the results they desire. The key areas in which Master Coaching aims to improve is a student’s literacy, comprehension and analytical skills associated with all mediums of texts.
Further the ability of a student will be heavily considered in any lesson set out and planned, as it will be specifically targeted at the text being studied. In addition the students knowledge that they learn in the session will further benefit all their subject areas as English and writing skills form the basis for all other subjects. As essay writing and the ability to further enhance a students interpretations of texts will be valuable across all subject areas. A student will find that once they master the techniques of analysing a text and picking out the most important parts of the text that their ability to critically evaluate a text will improve.
ESL is a subject in which is based on a students strong and comprehensive knowledge of a text as well as having the skills to gain a deeper understanding of where this text fits into the greater world.

HSC English Tutors
Master Coaching offers one on one tutoring for HSC English. We are located in Hurstville, Sydney, and also offer online tutoring for students across NSW.