For over 20 years, Master Coaching, along with its team of passionate, dedicated and inspirational tutors, has been educating students from all over Sydney in perhaps the most important and fundamental secondary school subject: mathematics.
In order to give your child an exceptional head start to their learning and development, Master Coaching Hurstville offers quality tuition for mathematics at both Stage 4 (Years 7-8) and Stage 5 (Years 9-10) levels.
We recognise that each and every student is unique, with different levels of confidence, which is why our tutors tailor their lesson plans to suit their specific coaching needs.
Year 7 & 8 General Maths
Years 7-8 (Stage 4) are the foundational years for building a student’s habits, motivation, discipline and confidence. These skills are essential for maintained success throughout secondary schooling and beyond, and are all best formed in these key building block years.
Additionally, the course content which is covered by the NSW junior syllabus forms a strong basis for the mathematics which is to be taught in subsequent years. These include patterns and algebra, equations, factorization, geometry, probability, coordinate geometry, measurement, and statistics.
A thorough understanding of each of these topics, as well as how they are derived, how they interrelate, and how they can be applied to problem-solving is essential in a student’s current and continued success in mathematics. When introducing a new topic, our tutors strive to develop each of the concepts from their roots, ensuring the student is able to engage with it in its entirety, allowing them the confidence in manipulating, applying, and explaining the mathematics themselves. We don’t teach formulas, we teach concepts and processes!
Year 9 & 10 General Maths
Years 9-10 (Stage 5) are arguably even more important than Years 7-8, as they lead directly into the two senior years (Years 11-12). These years build on top of the foundations laid down in the junior years as well as prepare a student for the rigor and difficulty of the Higher School Certificate.
The mathematical topic areas covered in the syllabus are nearly all identical to the junior years (with some notable exceptions, including trigonometry and financial mathematics) with the mere adjustment that they are explored in much more depth. This is why a solid grasp of these topics at a grass-roots level is of immense importance!
We believe that all of the course content contained within the syllabus of both Junior and Intermediate Mathematics in NSW is not beyond the reach of any student in terms of understanding and conceptualisation. As a result, we are certain that performing well is determined almost purely by the student’s level of confidence and discipline. At Master Coaching, this is exactly what we aim to instill in each and every student so that they are able to grow into motivated, independent, and self-directed learners!
Maths Accelerant Class
Starting in January 2021, Master Coaching is establishing its very first Year 10 accelerant mathematics class, designed to tailor towards keen students who want to gain the best possible preparation for their senior years ahead!
When it comes to achieving success in Year 11 and the HSC, the most effective methods are undisputedly rooted in early preparation. This means that the most successful HSC students tend to have a strong foundation in their pre-senior coursework, and have also developed study and learning habits that ensure them proper organisation and structure during their busiest and most challenging schooling years. Additionally, what is usually overlooked by students and parents when preparing for HSC success is the ability of a student to properly sit an exam. Exam skills and technique are often just as important as knowledge and confidence with the course content, especially in a subject like mathematics, where there can often be intense time pressure in conjunction with complex concepts and challenging questions. This means that whilst a student may know the mathematical concepts inside out, they may still fall short of their goal at the hands of their test-taking ability.
We’re currently looking for Year 10 students with drive and tenacity to join our brand new accelerant mathematics class, which will maintain a focus on strengthening students’ pre-senior coursework knowledge and familiarity, as well as extending them with aspects of the senior course, such as non-linear functions, probability and expected value, trigonometry, functions, graphing, and a small portion of calculus. As well as this, the class will maintain a focus on exploring test-taking tips and exam techniques in time management, multiple-choice strategies, reading time plans and more. By building a strong basis, grounded in consistency and continuous improvement, you are ensured the best possible chance of achieving, and hopefully even surpassing your goals for Year 11 and 12!
One of the additional benefits of this class will be the strong connections that highly motivated students can establish with each other, fostering an environment where each student encourages one another to improve and progress. In this way, tackling Year 10 and the gruelling years to follow will seem less like an individual battle, and more like a team effort. Sharing questions and discussing concepts and exam techniques with others is also undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to improve one’s own abilities, as students can learn what methods work or do not work for others, and subsequently begin to incorporate or remove them from their own repertoire of strategies.
The class will be run by Master Coaching’s Head Mathematics Tutor, Thomas, who knows what it takes to succeed in both senior and intermediate levels of high school. In 2018, Thomas achieved a NSW ATAR of 99.65, with scores of 99 in Extension 1 Maths and 97 in Extension 2 Maths, and was also awarded Dux of Newington College HSC in the same year. He currently studies at the University of Sydney in a specialised advanced mathematics program and has interests in quantitative finance, health-tech and medicine. Since graduating high school, Thomas has assisted hundreds of students that have walked through the doors of Master Coaching to achieve their academic goals, from Year 7 to Year 11 and the HSC!