The first module in the legal studies course is crime and is a core that is recommended to consume 30% of class time. This core focuses on criminal law and…

One of the most popular option topics in the HSC Legal Studies Course is Family Law. In this module, through the use of contemporary examples, students investigate the legal nature of family relationships and the effectiveness of the law in achieving justice.
For this option students will study the following sections:
1. The Nature of Family Law
2. Responses to Problems in Family Relationships
3. Contemporary Issues Concerning Family Law
In each section, the theory will be presented to students in a manner that is concise and easy to understand. As this option topic is only tested as a 25 mark essay, students will require knowledge on not only the theory in each sub-section but also will require case law, legislation and media articles in order to effectively write about these areas in an examination.
For example, say we were studying the changing nature of parental responsibility in the third section of the syllabus, we would break down our teaching on each sub-section as follows:
● theory/overview of changing nature of parental responsibility
● Legal responses
● Non-legal responses
● Evaluation
At Master Coaching, we take the case law, legislation and media articles and not only show how they relate to the sub-topic, but we also illustrate to students how we use these to evaluate whether justice has been achieved in the legal system, as this is a critical component that is needed to be done in order to access higher grades in essays in Family Law. We will model paragraphs and essays in order to best prepare students for this section of the HSC Exam.

HSC Legal Studies Tutor
Master Coaching offers one on one legal studies tuition for HSC students. We are located in Hurstville, Sydney and also offer online tutoring to students across NSW.